Dr. Chidi in feature-length film 'The End of Medicine' produced by Joaquin Phoenix
Prevent or Reverse these Diseases
Heart Disease
Auto-immune Disease
A lifestyle disease is a medical condition or disorder, which is associated with the way in which a person lives. How they eat, whether they exercise, and how they think.
Restoring Health
Reversing Disease
Welcome, my name is Dr. Chidi and I am a leading Lifestyle Physician. What’s that, you ask? I specialise in freeing people from both their disease and their medication. I show people how diseases, which are caused by ‘lifestyle,’ can be REVERSED by a change of ‘lifestyle.’ For more than 20 years it has been my privilege to help people take back control of their health by guiding them on a path that gets to the root cause of their problems rather than simply addressing the symptoms.
What is Lifestyle Medicine?
Are you stressed?
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
- Thomas Edison
Get the help you need
Millions suffering needlessly
Book a Consultation
Change your lifestyle, reverse your disease